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Circle curved LED screen

curved LED panel

Circe curved LED screen

The flexible CIRCLE Series will bring more attention to your brand. The true curvature of the panel gives the opportunity for creativity in creating differently shaped LED screens that will guarantee a WOW-effect.

Thanks to its flexible PCB construction, the panel can be bent to either side, allowing the creation of unique designs such as curved screens, ring screens or flying LED bands.

Installation and maintenance of the Circle Series panel is easy thanks to the magnetic attachment and silicone frame, which allow for easy servicing from the front. It offers a wide selection of pixel densities from 1.2mm to 3mm and a variety of module sizes, allowing you to customise the screen size to your specific needs.


Key features:

  • Flexible PCB construction, bendable to both sides

  • Magnetic attachment and silicone frame for easy installation and service

  • Wide choice of pixel density: P0.9/P1.25/P1.5/P1.8/P2.0/P2.5/P3/P4

  • Various module sizes: 320 mm x 160 mm / 240 mm x 120 mm

  • Possibility to create unique designs: curved, ring screens and more

Minimální průměry pro jedinečný design

Minimal diameters allow you to create the perfect curved screen or original ring screens, flying LED ribbons and many other shapes.
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A truly curved design

With flat panels, with all the effort of a curved screen, only a faceted design can be achieved. The CIRCLE model allows for a truly smooth and fluid screen.
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fazetový design
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Technical Parameter
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